Divine Names of God in Healing — Appendix A
You can include 72+ Shemhamphorash, 99+ Asma-ul Husna / Beautiful Names of God, also Hindu and Buddhist Mantras as well as other Names/Mantras/Prayers that come from other Religions in Healing.
For now I will include Names from Islam and Judaism
Temporal: VHV, LKB, AVM, HRY, LKB, VShR, RHA’, Awwal, Akhir, Mu’akhkhir, Qayyum, Baqi, Muqaddim etc.
Cleaning, Transmutation and Healing: MVM, MHSh, A’LM, AKA, KHTh, HQM, LAV, RAH, PVY, ChA’M, AShL, NLK, HA’M, RYY, VVL, MND, Rahman, Rahim, Ğaffur, Ğaffar, Salam, Quddus, Sabur, Rafi, Tawwab, Jame, Ba’ith, Nur etc.
Death and After-Life : HYY, RAH, ChBV, NYTh, Muqit, Ba’ith etc.
Karma and Justice : YYY, HAA, YLH, MTzR, MChY, SAL, HChSh, Adl, Haqq, Halim, Hakem etc..
Truth, Guidance, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge: AYA, LVV, AYA’, MNQ, DNY, DMB, YHH, A’RY, YHH, YYZ, NMM, ANY, YRTh, NThH, YChV, MYK, Haqq, Alim, Hakim, Semiu, Besir, Rashid, Hadi etc.
Love, Freedom, Creativity, Peace, Harmony, Relationships and Sexuality : ShAH, MBH, PHL, A’MM, LHCh, HHA’, KLY, YLY, MLH, SYT, ChHV, KVQ, MVH, MNQ, HRCh, A’NV, RYY, Rahman, Rahim, Vedud, Halim, Vasi, Vali, Vekil, Vahid, Ahad etc.
Integration : YLY, MHSh, AKA, VMB, HRCh, ANY, AVM, DNY, HAA, MYH, HA’M, Ahad, Vahid, Samed, etc.
(Transliteration from Hebrew : H-He, K-Kaph, Ch-Cheth, Sh-Shin, T-Teth, Th-Tau, Y-Yod, V-Vau, A’-Ayin)