A Better Future

Ömer Melih Aksoy
2 min readMar 22, 2018


Praying is not enough for realizing your dreams. You do have to pursue if you want them to come true. Realizing dreams is a serious business where you need to get real first. You need to have your feet on the ground and take the trouble and work it around somehow.

We all have a life path that we unfold our best potential. On this path we can know ourselves and be better at everything we are. Ask yourself what you really need to do and how to be for a lifetime worth living. Realizing yourself along with your dreams should worth every effort.

If you are really on your life path, you would be harmonious with the universe and force will be with you. You can be sure and steady. You would feel that life is full of meaning and motive.

I would rather pursue my path upon shared dreams and prayers for the highest good. The humanity has a lot of needs such as grace, peace, justice, abundance, mindfulness, awareness, responsibility and love. There are a lot of people and institutions that need healing. Dreaming and praying just for myself may just consume my time, while I can do better with everyone. Coming up with a better future is everyone’s shared responsibility.

It would worth every effort for a better future. We can bring a future that has no wars, injustice, lies, manipulation, abuse, rape, famine, drought, plague and crime if we come together and act on the highest good. Our reality is our shared creation where we all partake. We can choose to realize peace, justice, health, truth, respect, freedom, sharing, austerity and order. We can lift the curses that affect humanity and heal.

A lot of things can happen if a group of people meet for the highest good. They can come up with plans and projects that would benefit their community. Everyone should take social responsibilty for their own part. This has no excuse. We should not give opportunity for irresponsible people to claim power and authority. Instead we should build our institutions upon love for all. Love motivates us to take responsibility.

True Love should bring joy, freedom, truth and justice to be complete.

We can all partake in the Divine Republic thorough devotion to highest good. We can all be a part of the plan that hears and answers the prayers. God asks each of us to contribute to the Magnum Opus. We can all have a Divine Mission that would bring meaning and motivation for our lives that would benefit all. We can hear the most sincere prayers and concerns of humanity and act on them.



Ömer Melih Aksoy
Ömer Melih Aksoy

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